Hey all...
Things have been crazy the past month. And as I write here only when I can, I apologize greatly for the lack of entries in the past month. Not to worry... lots of coverage and postings are coming in the very near future. I'm gonna make it up to you, I swear! ;-)
I was fortunate to meet and photograph rising indie artist,
AA Bondy last Thursday in Athens. He played an amazing show at Tasty World. Show Review and Gallery to come very soon.
I've got a handful of upcoming shows scheduled to attend in Athens and Atlanta, so even more reviews and photos to come.
Thanks for all the support from friends, family, musicians, music lovers, etc. I started this as just a way to express my love for music and it is turning into something even bigger than I could've imagined. I'm excited for the growth, but I also want to stay true to it's intentions.
I don't get any monetary compensation for any reviews, recommendations, or endorsements on artists I write about. I'm just a huge lover of music wanting to share with those who are interested, about the music I enjoy, discover and love. Particularly about all the talent out there that has yet to be unearthed.
So once again, sorry for the lack of blog entries as of late. Promise to get on top of things and update more frequently. I hope you continue to check back here often and discover some new music to enjoy.
Feel free to contact me with any questions, suggestions, comments, etc. at